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Potluck Picnic and Camp Menu Planning

July 11, 2011

Since I am on holidays I think I better get cracking with my menu planning for the upcoming Potluck Picnic and Septembers Plant Powered Camp 2011, or they will be here before I know it! This is Rosie the Little Black Pug helping me, and enjoying the winter sun on the back veranda.

For those of you coming to the picnic on the 24th July, here’s some hints…. I’m NOT making anything that is remotely a salad dish, or involves tofu, and am looking forward to impressing you all with just how kick-ass vegan food can be. So if you’re not confident, or are only familiar with the ‘standard vegan fare’, feel free to bring a salad or something tofu, BUT think outside the garden salad or slab of tofu box, and you might just get a recipe you’ll love and make again and again. Google for recipes such as vegan roast pumpkin and chickpea salad, rice salads, potato salads, pasta salads,  or bean salads. If you live nearby, a dish you can keep warm, such as a curry, pilaff, paella, risotto or marinated tofu dish would be great. An effective way to keep food warm is to use a heavy pot or cast iron dish with a lid, then wrap the entire pot in a towel and place in an empty esky for transport. It’s not guaranteed that we will have BBQ access, but I’m going to get there at 8am to try my damnedest for us to have one, and will have a little camp stove as back up if we miss out on snaring a BBQ. So if anyone has a handy portable camp stove please bring it if it’s not too much trouble. See you on the 24th!

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